Extensability – Extend Existing Components

Learn how to extend BELLATRIX Android components.


public class ExtendExistingElementWithChildElementsTests extends AndroidTest {
    public void buttonClicked_When_CallClickMethod() {
        var button = app().create().byIdContaining(ExtendedButton.class, "button");



public class ExtendedButton extends Button {
    public void submitButtonWithScroll()

The way of extending an existing component is to create a child component. Extend the component you need. In this case, a new method is added to the standard Button component. Next in your tests, use the ExtendedButton instead of regular Button to have access to this method. The same strategy can be used to create a completely new component that BELLATRIX does not provide. You need to extend the AndroidComponent as a base class.

var button = app().create().byIdContaining(ExtendedButton.class, "button");

Instead of the regular button, we create the ExtendedButton, this way we can use its new method.


Use the new custom method provided by the ExtendedButton class.