Extensibility – Plugin Hooks

Learn how to extend the BELLATRIX plugins using hooks.


public class TestWorkflowHooksTests extends AndroidTest {
    private static Button button;
    private static CheckBox checkBox;
    public void beforeClass() {
        // Executes a logic once before all tests in the test class.

    public void beforeClass() {
        // Executes a logic once before all tests in the test class.

    public void beforeMethod() {
        button = app().create().byIdContaining(Button.class, "button");
        checkBox = app().create().byIdContaining(CheckBox.class, "check1");

    public void afterMethod() {
        // Executes a logic after each test in the test class.

    public void afterClass() {
        // Executes a logic once after all tests in the test class.

    public void buttonIsAboveOfCheckBox_GreaterThanOrEqual105px() {

    public void buttonIsNearTopOfCheckBox_GreaterThan100px() {


One of the greatest features of BELLATRIX is test workflow hooks. It gives you the possibility to execute your logic in every part of the test workflow. Also, as you can read in the next chapter write plugins that execute code in different places of the workflow every time. This is happening no matter what test framework you use – TestNG or JUnit.

BELLATRIX Default Test Workflow.

The following methods are called once for test class:

The following methods are called once for test class:

  1. Current class configure logic executes, registering all plugins.
  2. All plugins preBeforeClass logic executes.
  3. Current class beforeClass method executes. By default it is empty, but you can override it in each class and execute your logic. This is the place where you can set up data for your tests, call internal API services, SQL scripts and so on.
  4. All plugins postBeforeClass logic executes.

In case there is an exception thrown in one of the above phases beforeTestFailed logic of all plugins is run.

  1. All plugins preAfterClass logic executes.
  2. Current class afterClass method executes. By default it is empty, but you can override it in each class and execute your logic. This is the place where you can execute cleanup scripts after all tests have finished executing.
  3. All plugins postAfterClass logic executes.

In case there is an exception thrown in one of the above phases afterClassFailed logic of all plugins is run.

The following methods are called once for each test in the class:

  1. All plugins preBeforeTest logic executes.
  2. Current class beforeMethod method executes. By default it is empty, but you can override it in each class and execute your logic. You can add some logic that is executed for each test instead of copy pasting it for each test. For example – navigating to a specific Android activity.
  3. All plugins postBeforeTest logic executes.

In case there is an exception thrown in one of the above phases beforeTestFailed logic of all plugins is run.

  1. All plugins preAfterTest logic executes.
  2. Current class afterMethod method executes. By default it is empty, but you can override it in each class and execute your logic. You can add some logic that is executed after each test instead of copy pasting it. For example – deleting some entity from DB.
  3. All plugins postAfterTest logic executes.

In case there is an exception thrown in one of the above phases afterTestFailed logic of all plugins is run.

public void beforeMethod() {
    button = app().create().byIdContaining(Button.class, "button");
    checkBox = app().create().byIdContaining(CheckBox.class, "check1");

This is one of the ways you can use beforeMethod. You can find create all elements in the TestsArrange, create all necessary data for the tests and execute the actual tests logic but without asserting anything. Then in each separate test execute single assert or validate method. Following the best testing practices – having a single assertion in a test. If you execute multiple assertions and if one of them fails, the next ones are not executed which may lead to missing some major clue about a bug in your product. Anyhow, BELLATRIX allows you to write your tests the standard way of executing the primary logic in the tests or reuse some of it through the usage of beforeMethod and afterMethod methods.

public void beforeMethod() {
    // ...

Executes a logic before each test in the test class.

public void afterMethod() {
    // ...

Executes a logic after each test in the test class.