Add Custom Appium Options

Learn how to add custom Appium options.


public class CustomAppiumDriverCapabilities extends AndroidTest {
    public void configure() {
        app().addDriverOptions("locale", "fr_CA");
        app().addDriverOptions("language", "fr");
        app().addDriverOptions("autoWebview", "true");
        app().addDriverOptions("noReset", "false");

    public void buttonClicked_When_CallClickMethod() {
        var button = app().create().byIdContaining(Button.class, "button");;

    public void buttonClicked_When_CallClickMethodSecond() {
        var button = app().create().byIdContaining(Button.class, "button");;


app().addDriverOptions("locale", "fr_CA");
app().addDriverOptions("language", "fr");
app().addDriverOptions("autoWebview", "true");
app().addDriverOptions("noReset", "false");

BELLATRIX hides the complexity of initialization of WebDriver/Appium and all related services. In some cases, you need to customize the set up of a Appium with using custom Appium options. Using the app methods you can add all of these with ease. Make sure to call them in the configure which is called before the execution of the tests placed in the test class. These options are used only for the tests in this particular class.