Simple Components

Learn how to use BELLATRIX simple components.


public void purchaseRocket() {

    Select sortDropDown = app().create().byNameEndingWith(Select.class, "orderby");
    sortDropDown.selectByText("Sort by price: low to high");

    Anchor protonMReadMoreButton =
    app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Anchor.class, "


    Anchor addToCartFalcon9 =
    app().create().byAttributeContaining(Anchor.class, "data-product_id", "28").toBeClickable();

    Anchor viewCartButton =
    app().create().byClassContaining(Anchor.class, "added_to_cart wc-forward").toBeClickable();;

    TextField couponCodeTextField = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "coupon_code");


    Button applyCouponButton = app().create().byValueContaining(Button.class, "Apply coupon");;

    Div messageAlert = app().create().byClassContaining(Div.class, "woocommerce-message");


    messageAlert.validateTextIs("Coupon code applied successfully.");

    NumberInput quantityBox = app().create().byClassContaining(NumberInput.class, "input-text qty text");


    Button updateCart = app().create().byValueContaining(Button.class, "Update cart").toBeClickable();;

    Span totalSpan = app().create().byXPath(Span.class, "//*[@class='order-total']//span");


    Anchor proceedToCheckout =
    app().create().byClassContaining(Anchor.class, "checkout-button button alt wc-forward");;

    Heading billingDetailsHeading = app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Heading.class, "Billing details");


    Anchor showLogin = app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Anchor.class, "Click here to login");


    TextArea orderCommentsTextArea = app().create().byId(TextArea.class, "order_comments");

    orderCommentsTextArea.setText("Please send the rocket to my door step!");

    TextField billingFirstName = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_first_name");

    TextField billingLastName = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_last_name");

    TextField billingCompany = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_company");
    billingCompany.setText("Automate The Planet Ltd.");

    Select billingCountry = app().create().byId(Select.class, "billing_country");

    TextField billingAddress1 = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_address_1");

    Assert.assertEquals(billingAddress1.getPlaceholder(), "House number and street name");
    billingAddress1.setText("bul. Yerusalim 5");

    TextField billingAddress2 = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_address_2");
    billingAddress2.setText("bul. Yerusalim 6");

    TextField billingCity = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_city");

    Select billingState =
    app().create().byId(Select.class, "billing_state").toBeVisible().toBeClickable();

    TextField billingZip = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_postcode");

    PhoneField billingPhone = app().create().byId(PhoneField.class, "billing_phone");


    EmailField billingEmail = app().create().byId(EmailField.class, "billing_email");


    CheckBox createAccountCheckBox = app().create().byId(CheckBox.class, "createaccount");


    RadioButton checkPaymentsRadioButton =
    app().create().byAttributeContaining(RadioButton.class, "for", "payment_method_cheque");;


As mentioned before BELLATRIX exposes 30+ web components. All of them implement Proxy design pattern which means that they are not located immediately when they are created. Another benefit is that each of them includes only the actions that you should be able to do with the specific control and nothing more. For example, you cannot type into a button. Moreover, this way all of the actions has meaningful names – Type not SendKeys as in vanilla WebDriver.

Select sortDropDown = app().create().byNameEndingWith(Select.class, "orderby");

Create methods accept a generic parameter the type of the web control. Then only the methods for this specific control are accessible. Here we tell BELLATRIX to find your component by name attribute ending with ‘orderby’.

<select name="orderby" class="orderby">
   <option value="popularity" selected="selected">Sort by popularity</option>
   <option value="rating">Sort by average rating</option>
   <option value="date">Sort by newness</option>
   <option value="price">Sort by price: low to high</option>
   <option value="price-desc">Sort by price: high to low</option>
sortDropDown.selectByText("Sort by price: low to high");

You can select from select inputs by text (selectByText) or index (selectByIndex). Also, you can get the selected option through getSelected method.

<a href=''>Read more</a>
Anchor protonMReadMoreButton = app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Anchor.class, "

Here BELLATRIX finds the first anchor component which has inner text containing the ‘Read more’ text.


You can Hover and Focus on most web components. Also, can invoke Click on anchors.

<a href="/?add-to-cart=28" data-product_id="28">Add to cart</a>
Anchor addToCartFalcon9 = app().create().byAttributeContaining(Anchor.class, "data-product_id". "28").toBeClickable();

Locate components by custom attribute. BELLATRIX waits till the anchor is clickable before doing any actions.

<a href="" class="added_to_cart wc-forward" title="View cart">View cart</a>
Anchor viewCartButton =
app().create().byClassContaining(Anchor.class, "added_to_cart wc-forward").toBeClickable();;

Find the anchor by class ‘added_to_cart wc-forward’ and wait for the component again to be clickable.

TextField couponCodeTextField = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "coupon_code");

Find a regular text input component by id = ‘coupon_code’.


Instead of using vanilla WebDriver SendKeys to set the text, use the SetText method.

<input type="submit" class="button" name="apply_coupon" value="Apply coupon">
Button applyCouponButton = app().create().byValueContaining(Button.class, "Apply coupon");;

Create a button control by value attribute containing the text ‘Apply coupon’. Button can be any of the following web components – input button, input submit or button.

<div class="woocommerce-message" role="alert">Coupon code applied successfully.</div>
Div messageAlert = app().create().byClassContaining(Div.class, "woocommerce-message");

Wait for the message DIV to show up.

// Assert.assertEquals(billingAddress1.getPlaceholder(), "House number and street name");

Sometimes you need to verify the content of some component. However, since the asynchronous nature of websites, the text or event may not happen immediately. This makes the simple Assert methods + vanilla WebDriver useless. The commented code fails 1 from 5 times. To handle these situations, BELLATRIX has hundreds of Ensure methods that wait for some condition to happen before asserting. Bellow the statement waits for the specific text to appear and assert it.

Div messageAlert = app().create().byClassContaining(Div.class, "woocommerce-message");
messageAlert.validateTextIs("Coupon code applied successfully.");

Note: There are much more details about these methods in the next chapters.

<input type="number" id="quantity_5ad35e76b34a2" step="1" min="0" max="" value="1" size="4" pattern="[0-9]*" inputmode="numeric">
NumberInput quantityBox = app().create().byClassContaining(NumberInput.class, "input-text qty text");

Find the number input component by class ‘input-text qty text’.

NumberInput quantityBox = app().create().byClassContaining(NumberInput.class, "input-text qty text");

For number input components, you can set the number and get most of the properties of these components.

Heading billingDetailsHeading = app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Heading.class, "Billing details");

As mentioned before, BELLATRIX has special synchronization mechanism for locating components, so usually, there is no need to wait for specific components to appear on the page. However, there may be some rare cases when you need to do it. The statement finds the heading by its inner text containing the text ‘Billing details’.

Heading billingDetailsHeading = app().create().byInnerTextContaining(Heading.class, "Billing details");

Wait for the heading with the above text to be visible. This means that the correct page is loaded.

// Assert.assertEquals(showLogin.getHref(), "");
// Assert.assertEquals(showLogin.getHtmlClass(), "showlogin");

All web components have multiple properties for their most important attributes and ensure methods for their verification.

TextArea orderCommentsTextArea = app().create().byId(TextArea.class, "order_comments");

Here we find the order comments text area and since it is below the visible area we scroll down so that it gets visible on the video recordings. Then the text is set.

TextField billingAddress1 = app().create().byId(TextField.class, "billing_address_1");
Assert.assertEquals(billingAddress1.getPlaceholder(), "House number and street name");

Through the Placeholder, you can get the default text of the control.

PhoneField billingPhone = app().create().byId(PhoneField.class, "billing_phone");

Create the special text field control Phone it contains some additional properties unique for this web component.

EmailField billingEmail = app().create().byId(EmailField.class, "billing_email");

Here we create the special text field control Email it contains some additional properties unique for this web component.

CheckBox createAccountCheckBox = app().create().byId(CheckBox.class, "createaccount");

You can check and uncheck checkboxes.

RadioButton checkPaymentsRadioButton =
app().create().byAttributeContaining(RadioButton.class, "for", "payment_method_cheque");;

BELLATRIX finds the first RadioButton with attribute ‘for’ containing the value ‘payment_method_cheque’. The radio buttons compared to checkboxes cannot be unchecked/unselected.

Full List of All Supported Web Components


  • createBy
  • createAllBy
  • getAttribute
  • setAttribute
  • scrollToVisible
  • waitToBe
  • isVisible
  • getHtmlClass
  • getComponentName
  • getHtmlClass
  • getCssValue
  • getTitle
  • getTabIndex
  • getAccessKey
  • getStyle
  • getDir
  • getLang
  • hover
  • focus

Note: All other components have access to the above methods and properties

Component Available properties
Anchor click, getHtml, getText, getHref, getTarget, getRel
Button click, getValue, isDisabled, getText
CheckBox check, uncheck, isChecked, isDisabled, getValue
Div getHtml, getText
FileInput upload, isRequired, isMultiple, getAccept
Frame getName
Heading getText
Image getSrc, getAlt, getHeight, getWidth, getSrcSet, getSizes, getLongDesc
Label getText, getHtml, getFor
Option isSelected, isDisabled, getText, getValue
RadioButton click, isChecked, isDisabled, getValue
Reset click, isDisabled, getText, getValue
Select getSelected, getAllOptions, selectByText, selectByIndex, isDisabled, isReadonly, isRequired
Span getText, getHtml
TextArea getText, setText, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isSpellCheck, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLength, getMinLength, getRows, getCols, getWrap
TextField getText, setText isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLength, getMinLength

HTML5 Components:

Component Available properties
ColorInput getColor, setColor, isAutoComplete, isDisabled, isRequired, getList, getValue
DateInput getDate, setDate, isAutoComplete, isDisabled, isReadonly, isRequired, getMin, getMax, getStep, getValue
DateTimeInput getTime, setTime, isAutoComplete, isDisabled, isReadonly, isRequired, getMin, getMax, getStep, getValue
EmailField getEmail, setEmail, isAutoComplete, isDisabled, isReadonly, isRequired, getMinLength, getMaxLength, getPlaceholder, getSizeAttribute, getValue
MonthInput getMonth, setMonth, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getMax, getMin, getStep, getValue
NumberInput getNumber, setNumber, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMax, getMin, getStep, getValue
Output getText, getHtml, getFor
PasswordField getPassword, setPassword, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLenght, getMinLenght, getSize, getValue
PhoneField getPhone, setPhone, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLenght, getMinLenght, getSize, getValue
Progress getMax, getText, getValue
RangeInput getRange, setRange, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isRequired, getList, getMax, getMin, getStep, getValue
SearchField getSearch, setSearch, IsDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLenght, getMinLenght, getSize, getValue
TimeInput getTime, setTime, getHover, getFocus, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, getMax, getMin, getStep, getValue
UrlField getUrl, setUrl, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, isRequired, getPlaceholder, getMaxLenght, getMinLenght, getSize, getValue
WeekInput getWeek, setWeek, isDisabled, isAutoComplete, isReadonly, getMax, getMin, getStep, getValue