Navigate to Pages

Learn how to navigate to web pages with BELLATRIX web module.


public class ProductPurchaseTests extends WebTest {
    public void promotionsPageOpened_When_PromotionsButtonClicked() {

        var promotionsLink = app().create().byLinkText(Anchor.class, "Promotions");;


    public void blogPageOpened_When_PromotionsButtonClicked() {

        var blogLink = app().create().byLinkText(Anchor.class, "Blog");;



You can always navigate in each separate tests, but if all of them go to the same page, you can use the above techniques for code reuse.


Sometimes, some AJAX async calls are not caught natively by WebDriver. So you can use the BELLATRIX browser service’s method. waitUntilPageLoadsCompletely which waits for these calls automatically to finish. Keep in mind that usually this is not necessary since BELLATRIX has a complex built-in mechanism for handling element waits.

Depending on the types of tests you want to write there are a couple of ways to navigate to specific pages. In later chapters, there are more details about the different test workflow hooks. Find here two of them.

public void beforeClass() {

If you reuse your browser and want to navigate once to a specific page. You can use the beforeClass method. It executes once for all tests in the class.

public void beforeMethod() {

If you need each test to navigate each time to the same page, you can use the beforeMethod method.


Sometimes before proceeding with searching and making actions on the next page, we need to wait for something. It is useful in some cases to wait for a partial URL instead hard-coding the whole URL since it can change depending on the environment. Keep in mind that usually this is not necessary since BELLATRIX has a complex built-in mechanism for handling element waits.


Sometimes you may need to navigate to a local HTML file. Make sure to copy the file to the resources folder of the module with your tests files.