JavaScript Service

Learn how to use BELLATRIX JavaScript service.


public class JavaScriptServiceTests extends WebTest {
    public void fillUpAllFields() {

        app().script().execute("document.getElementById('username').value = 'BELLATRIX';");

        app().create().byId(PasswordInput.class, "password").setPassword("Gorgeous");
        var button = app().create().byClassContaining(Button.class, "woocommerce-Button button");
        app().script().execute("arguments[0].click();", button);

    public void getElementStyle() {

        var resultsCount = app().create().byClassContaining(WebComponent.class, "woocommerce-result-count");

        String fontSize = app().script().execute("return arguments[0].style.font-size", resultsCount.getWrappedElement());

        Assert.assertEquals(fontSize, "14px");


BELLATRIX gives you an interface for easier execution of JavaScript code using the script method. You need to make sure that you have navigated to the desired web page.

app().script().execute("document.getElementById('username').value = 'BELLATRIX';");

Execute a JavaScript code on the page. Here we find an element with id = ‘firstName’ and sets its value to ‘BELLATRIX’.

app().script().execute("arguments[0].click();", button);

It is possible to pass an element, and the script executes on it.

String fontSize = app().script().execute("return arguments[0].style.font-size", resultsCount.getWrappedElement());

Get the results from a script. After that, get the value for a specific style and assert it.


Similar methods are available for the Playwright module, but when performing JavaScript against an element, it is recommended to use Evaluate method of WebComponent class.

float fontSize = (float) webComponent.evaluate("el =>");

As you can see, you don’t need to pass the element as an argument. You can also specify the return type.

The same method is available in the JavaScriptService, but you still need to write the JS script in the style shown above as internally the service calls the Evaluate method of the component.

app().script().execute("el =>", component);