System Requirements

What do you need to install and run all BELLATRIX libraries and tools?


Both TestNG and JUnit are supported.

Supported Code Editors

The recommended code editor for writing BELLATRIX tests is IntelliJ

NOTE: After the support for .NET Framework 5.0 and higher, Microsoft officially not support .NET Core development in older versions of Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and so on.

Other Supported Editors:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • IntelliJ
  • NetBeans
  • Eclipse

SDKs and Frameworks Prerequisites

We recommend to install the latest stable version of JDK.

For BELLATRIX desktop modules you need to download WinAppDriver. You need to make sure it is started before running any BELLATRIX desktop tests.

For BELLATRIX mobile modules you need to download and install Appium. You need to make sure it is started before running any BELLATRIX mobile tests.